Book Review- 'Tiffin Gang' / 'Dabba Party'
Written by Shweta Ganesh Kumar
Illustrated by Ogin Nayam
Published by Pratham Books
Age Group 3+ yrs

The fondest memories of my childhood would most definitely be the ones spent opening the tiffin box in school to see what is packed for the lunch that day. I definitely went to school, only to eat!
Meenu’s everyday lunch is idlis with podi. The simple, easy to make idlis make for great tiffin meals, but I understand the problem if it’s an everyday affair. Kamlesh on the other hand has something alluring in her box, but Kamlesh seems unhappy.
This sad state of affairs where everyone is unhappy with their tiffins is easily solved by one stroke of genius- a party of sorts!
Bringing back the nostalgia of childhood, the easy camaraderie of bonding over food and food being the single most unifying element in our lives- this is a book which will appeal to all. We have all been there at some point.
Ogin Nayam’s trademark soft illustrations make this one delectable read. Ideal for kids aged 3+yrs