Book Review- The Mountains of Mumbai
Written by Labanya Ghosh
Illustrated by Pallavi Jain

How do you write about a city which has captured the collective consciousness for ever now! And how do you make it exciting enough for a child.
Mumbai seen through the lens of children is indeed stunning. Doma is visiting her friend Veda in Mumbai. She is from Ladakh and is missing the mountains.
Veda asks her an almost existential question! Do mountains have to brown and big? Can they come in different shapes and colours? And she proceeds to show her the mountains of her city!
A great book with an important message of finding joy in our surroundings. The illustrations in water colour is brilliant. It beautifully showcases the busy, bustling, colourful city of Mumbai.
What we didn’t like- size of the book!
Ideal for ages 3+yrs