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Book Review- The Day War came

Updated: 5 days ago

Written by Nicola Davies

Illustrated by Rebecca Cobb

Book Review- The Day War came
Book Review- The Day War came

War has no place in a world we live in. That it continues to waged- in the name of God, in the name of territory, in the name of caste and so on is the real failing. We have failed as people. But as adults we have seen enough human depravity to possibly overcome the situation but what about the vulnerable- the little children. 

With not enough context, not enough understanding, wholly dependant and truly fragile, it is the children who become the collateral damage in any war. 

A story of one such child who has a seemingly normal day till war comes from the skies. Her normal life is upturned when she loses her home, school, loved ones, her city and everything in it. 

Forced to flee, she assumes a refugee status in a far off land where no one is welcoming or even empathetic. Her one sign of sunshine is when she chances upon a school. But short lived as it comes, the teacher crushes hope by telling her how they have no place for her coz there is no empty chair for her. 

And in the deepest darkest miseries, you will see that the only spark of brightness is the children. Full of promise of a better future, will the children rise to help?

Based on a true incident, this was a conversation starter for understanding various topics, but most important of all- hope! Beautiful illustrations which held us enthralled. 

Might be a difficult book for everyone to navigate. But all essential conversations are difficult till we wade through them.


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